The eagerly awaited announcement for Nandamuri fans has arrived. Director Prasanth Varma is set to introduce Nandamuri Mokshagyna, the son of Natasimha Nandamuri Balakrishna, to the big screen. This film will also kick off the Prasanth Varma Cinematic Universe.
The announcement came on the debut actor’s birthday, but the director has not yet provided any detailed information about the film. Instead, a birthday-themed poster was released to mark the occasion.
The film is being produced by Sudhakar Cherukuri under SLV Cinemas, in partnership with Legend Productions, and presented by M Tejeswini Nandamuri.
With great joy & privilege, Introducing you…
Happy birthday Mokshu
Welcome to @ThePVCU
Let’s do it
Thanks to #NandamuriBalakrishna Garu for all the trust & blessings
Hoping to make this one much more special &…
— Prasanth Varma (@PrasanthVarma) September 6, 2024
The post Nandamuri Mokshagnya’s Lead Debut Officially Announced first appeared on