Telugu actor Sharwanand’s most recent appearance was in Manamey, which saw decent success at the box office, and fans are now eagerly awaiting its release on OTT platforms. Meanwhile, Sharwanand is occupied with the shoot for his upcoming film, Sharwa 37, directed by Ram Abbaraju.
As actress Samyuktha celebrates her birthday, the Sharwa 37 team revealed her character look, introducing her as Dia. In the poster, she is seen holding a diya, adorned in classical dancer attire, representing themes of cultural heritage, tradition, and festivity.
The movie Sharwa 37 also stars Sakshi Vaidya and is produced by Ramabrahmam Sunkara under Anil Sunkara’s AK Entertainments, in collaboration with Adventures International Pvt Ltd. The music for the film is being composed by Vishal Chandra Shekar.
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