Kollywood actor Karthi is set to reunite with Dream Warrior Pictures, the esteemed Tamil production company that produced his hit action films Theeran Adhigaaram Ondru (Khakee) and Kaithi (Khaidi). The new project, currently referred to as Karthi29, was formally announced earlier this evening.
Karthi29 is being helmed by the talented director Tamizh, known for his critically acclaimed film Taanaakkaran. The intriguing announcement poster showcases a large ship, hinting at the film’s grand scale. Karthi29 is said to be a period drama, set to be made on an epic scale.
The shoot for Karthi29 is set to begin soon, with the film slated for a theatrical release in 2025. The project will also be co-produced by Ivy Entertainment and B4U Motion Pictures, adding to its impressive scale and production value.
The post Karthi29 Unveiled in Grand Style first appeared on Andhrawatch.com.