“Zebra” unites the exceptional talents of Satya Dev and Daali Dhananjaya, directed by Eashvar Karthic. With production by SN Reddy, S Padmaja, Bala Sundaram, and Dinesh Sundaram, this highly anticipated film is scheduled to premiere on October 31st across all South Indian languages and Hindi.
Natural Star Nani has just revealed the teaser for “Zebra,” offering a tantalizing glimpse into its captivating plot. Satya Dev plays an unassuming employee at an MNC, while Daali Dhananjaya embodies a threatening figure with a romantic twist. The teaser features a variety of elements, including money, vehicles, and vessels, seamlessly integrated into a dark yet engaging storyline.
Ravi Basrur’s score enriches the film with a blend of playful and somber tones. The ensemble cast, which includes Priya Bhavani Shankar, Satya Akkala, and Jennifer Piccinato, delivers standout performances alongside Satya Dev and Dhananjaya.
The post Satyadev “Zebra” Teaser Released first appeared on Andhrawatch.com.