The popular talk show hosted by Nandamuri Balakrishna, Unstoppable With NBK, is back with its fourth season. quickly establishing itself as the leading show in India. Known for interesting and lively anchoring style, this keep the viewers hooked with exciting episodes, especially one that had everyone eagerly waiting for Kollywood superstar Suriya and his entire cast for his much-awaited Kanguva.
The promo released for the Suriya episode is filled with delectable moments. It begins with Balakrishna and Suriya enjoying to the hit song “Hrudayam Ekkadunnadi” from Ghajini. Balakrishna is having a light-hearted conversation with the stars, in which he calls up Suriya’s brother, Karthi, posing funny questions on the phone. Suriya even goes on to open up about his love for wife Jyotika, which brings warmth and personality to the episode.
Balakrishna, with his charisma and more so with the riveting nature of Unstoppable With NBK, is becoming popular. Here, too, he delves into Suriya’s various philanthropic activities that make the show an emotionally loaded affair. Special appearances by Bobby Deol and Director Siva this episode will be great for the fans.
As such, the anticipation for the show has been palpable, which is more so now in light of the upcoming movie Kanguva. Such a film will have lots of action genre and historical background. Written and directed by Siva, Disha Patani and Bobby Deol are its principal cast members. The producer is Studio Green and UV Creations. The distributors assigned to the movie are the Mythri Movie Distributors.
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