Powerstar Pawan Kalyan’s upcoming period drama Hari Hara Veera Mallu, directed by Jyothi Krishna, has unveiled its first single, “Maata Vinavali.” The song has garnered attention as it features Pawan Kalyan himself lending his voice, a treat for his fans.
The energetic track, with Pawan’s commanding vocals, exudes inspiration and sets the tone for the film. Initially scheduled for release on January 6, the song was delayed, with the promo arriving as a Sankranti gift on January 14. The full song officially debuted on January 17, much to the delight of fans.
This marks a special occasion as Pawan Kalyan returns to playback singing after several years, adding to the anticipation for the film.
Co-starring Nidhhi Agerwal as the female lead, the film boasts music by Academy Award-winning composer M.M. Keeravani. Hari Hara Veera Mallu is slated for a grand worldwide release on March 28, promising an epic cinematic experience.
The post Pawan Kalyan’s ‘Hari Hara Veera Mallu’ First Single ‘Maata Vinavali’ Released first appeared on Andhrawatch.com.