Daaku Maharaaj, the action-packed blockbuster starring Nandamuri Balakrishna, has been a huge success at the global box office, collecting over Rs. 150 crore. Directed by Bobby Kolli, the film has captured the hearts of the audience, especially in the Telugu-speaking regions, due to its compelling narrative and powerful performances.
After the huge success it received in South, the Daaku Maharaaj will hit the Hindi speaking market too as its Hindi version is coming out on January 24, 2025. A buzz in its trailer for its Hindi version already and bookings to be opened for its tickets very soon. Not to forget a point here; one of the prominent things about the Hindi version release that Balakrishna has voiced himself. The character sounds special and unique from his authentic touch.
Produced by Sithara Entertainments and Fortune Four Cinemas, Daaku Maharaaj features a stellar cast with Bobby Deol, Shraddha Srinath, Urvashi Rautela, and Chandini Chowdary. The electrifying soundtrack by Thaman further energizes the film and makes it an exciting watch for action and drama aficionados.
With its Hindi release fast approaching, Daaku Maharaaj is poised to conquer the North Indian audience, building on the success it has already achieved in the South. As the film opens in Hindi, industry watchers are eager to see how it performs across the country.
The post Balakrishna’s Daaku Maharaaj Hindi Release Set for January 24, 2025 first appeared on Andhrawatch.com.