At a recent Global Village event in Dubai, Bollywood icon Shah Rukh Khan made some intriguing remarks about South Indian film stars, sparking conversation among fans. While entertaining the audience with his dance performance, Khan mentioned several Southern stars, including Prabhas, Mahesh Babu, Ram Charan, Allu Arjun, Yash, Rajinikanth, and Vijay, referring to them as his friends.
He humorously added that it would be difficult for him to match their fast-paced dance moves, prompting laughter from the audience. The mention of these beloved actors was met with enthusiastic cheers from the crowd.
Khan, who has shown admiration for the South Indian film industry, has previously collaborated with Tamil director Atlee and actors Nayanthara and Vijay Sethupathi on the blockbuster film Jawan, which grossed over ₹1000 crore worldwide.
Currently, Shah Rukh Khan is filming for King, directed by Siddharth Anand, where his daughter Suhana Khan plays a significant role.
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