The fantasy-horror-thriller Aghathiyaa, directed by Pa Vijay, promises to thrill the audience with spellbinding time-travel and supernatural horror. The movie is starring Jiiva, Arjun Sarja, and Raashi Khanna. The teaser recently released has created an interesting preview of a gripping story that spans across eras and sets the stage for the epic clash between angels and devils.
There are mysterious goings-on in the period that unfolds with the setting in the year 1940, against the mysterious backdrop of a solitary, isolated island Bungalow during the British Raj. In the past, unsettling events remain unexplained, but in the present, Jiiva’s character and his girlfriend, Raashi Khanna, go along to find out about the place.
Jiiva has delivered a hot performance, whereas Raashi Khanna is attrant as his heroine. Arjun Sarja’s enigmatic role both blurs the boundary between good and evil thereby keeping the story suspenseful and full of intrigue.
The film is a visual splendor. The atmosphere created by cinematographer Dipak Kumar Padhy is hauntingly beautiful, while Yuvan Shankar Raja’s dynamic background score heightened the tension and drama. The teaser also captures state-of-the-art visual effects, which guarantee a breathtaking cinematic experience.
With its teaser being a sensation all over, Aghathiyaa is coming on January 31, 2025. It promises a spellbinding ride that weaves suspense, fantasy, and horror in an utterly unforgettable manner.
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