Prominent film actor and MLA Balakrishna celebrated his 50th anniversary as an actor with a grand golden jubilee event in Hyderabad yesterday evening. During the celebration, Balakrishna expressed his gratitude, stating, “I am thankful to my wife, Vasundhara, who has been a pillar of support in every step I have taken.”
He also mentioned that he learned not only acting but also discipline, values, and time management from his father. Additionally, he acknowledged the lessons learned from Akkineni Nageswara Rao.
Balakrishna noted that his family has grown significantly, including the Telugu film industry, his fans, the Basavatarakam Cancer Hospital, and the people of the Hindupur constituency. He expressed his deep satisfaction with this broad network of support.
Furthermore, he revealed plans to start filming ‘Akhanda 2’. soon. He conveyed his belief that innovation always garners the audience’s support.
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