The Nampally 17th number court has instructed the Film Nagar police to register an FIR and carry out a detailed investigation into the demolition of the Deccan Kitchen hotel, linked to the Daggubati family. The court issued these orders after reviewing the case and the police have initiated the investigation accordingly.
The dispute centers around a land issue between the Daggubati family and Nand Kumar, who had previously filed a case regarding an MLA purchase matter. Nand Kumar brought the matter to the City Civil Court after a conflict arose over the Deccan Kitchen hotel’s property. In November 2022, GHMC personnel, accompanied by bouncers, partially demolished the hotel.
Despite an order from the High Court to refrain from taking further action on the site, the Daggubati family proceeded with the full demolition of the hotel in January 2024. Following this, Nand Kumar approached the Nampally court, requesting the filing of a case against the Daggubati family. On Saturday, the court directed the Film Nagar police to file an FIR and begin an investigation.
The Nampally court emphasized the violation of court orders and has instructed the police to conduct a thorough investigation. The court expressed serious concerns over the actions of the Daggubati family, disregarding both the High Court’s instructions and legal proceedings. The police have filed an FIR against producer Suresh Babu, actors Daggubati Venkatesh, Rana Daggubati, and Abhiram, under sections 448, 452, 458, and 120B of the Indian Penal Code.
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