The horror thriller movie Demonte Colony 2, recently released, has achieved notable success at the box office. Directed by Ajay Gnanamuthu, this film serves as a sequel to the 2015 movie Demonte Colony. The sequel has garnered a positive response at the box office and succeeded in impressing audiences.
Now, the film is ready to entertain OTT audiences. It will soon be available for streaming on the popular OTT platform Zee5. The makers have recently announced that the film will start streaming on Zee5 from September 27.
Arulnithi and Priya Bhavani Shankar play lead roles, while Meenakshi Govindarajan, Archana Chandhoke, and others appear in significant supporting roles.
Directed by R. Ajay Gnanamuthu and produced by Bobby Balachandran for BTG Universal, in collaboration with Gnanamuthu Pattarai and White Nights Entertainment. With music composed by Sam CS, it will be interesting to see how well Demonte Colony 2 captivates OTT audiences.
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