Renowned actor Mahesh Babu’s wife, actress Namrata Shirodkar, recently shared her thoughts on the Telugu adaptation of the prestigious film Mufasa: The Lion King, calling it a big challenge. She mentioned that the Disney team has worked with great care to bring it to the Telugu audience. “This is a family film that will touch hearts and leave an emotional impact,” she said, while attending the special event for the film in Hyderabad on Sunday. The movie is a continuation of the 2019 live-action film The Lion King and is set to release on December 20.
Mahesh Babu has lent his voice for the iconic character Mufasa in the Telugu version of the film. Other prominent actors like Satyadev, Ali, Brahmanandam, and Ayyappa P. Sharma have also voiced key characters in the film. Namrata expressed that Mahesh thoroughly enjoyed the dubbing process and did it with passion. She added, “I am sure everyone will love this film.”
Actor Satyadev, who has previously worked with Mahesh Babu in films like Seethamma Vakitlo Sirimalle Chettu and Sarileru Neekevvaru, also voiced a character in Mufasa: The Lion King. He said, “It was a pleasure to dub for the character Taka. Mahesh Babu’s punch lines in the film are going to be amazing and will definitely be liked by everyone.”
Actor Ali, who voiced the character Timon, also shared his excitement, saying, “Dubbing for this film is truly special. Our voices will remain in Disney’s library for centuries. This is something every actor dreams of. I’m sure this movie will be loved by all.”
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