Crime thrillers tend to thrive on OTT platforms, and Thalavan, the latest Malayalam investigative thriller, is no exception. Starring Biju Menon and Asif Ali, the film is receiving great feedback online. After a successful run in theaters, Thalavan is now gaining considerable attention on streaming services as well.
With Thalavan now available on Sony LIV, its reach is expanding, leading to a surge in viewership. The film can also be streamed in multiple languages, including Telugu, Hindi, Tamil, Kannada, Bangla, and Marathi, along with English subtitles, making it accessible to a broader audience. Directed by Jis Joy, the movie’s success has led to exciting news for fans: during the success meet, the creators officially announced a sequel, Thalavan 2, building anticipation for the next chapter.
Thalavan features a strong supporting cast with notable performances from Miya George, Sujith Shankar, Anusree, Dilesh Pothan, Kottayam Nazeer, Shankar Ramakrishnan, Joji John, and Tessa Joseph. The film was produced by Arun Narayan and Sijo Sebastian under the banners of Arun Narayan Productions and London Studios. Adding to its appeal, the music was composed by Deepak Dev, contributing to the overall atmosphere of the film.
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