The relentless rainfall in the Telugu States over the past few days has caused significant disruption, particularly in Vijayawada and Mangalagiri in Andhra Pradesh and Khammam and Nalgonda in Telangana state. In response to the unprecedented floods, numerous celebrities from the Telugu film industry have stepped up to extend their support to assist flood victims.
In a heartwarming gesture, Tollywood star Jr. NTR came forward and announced a significant donation of Rs. 50 lakhs each to the Telugu States, AP and TS. The actor took to social media to announce this news and wrote a note that reads, “The recent heavy rains in the two Telugu states and the resulting flood devastation have deeply saddened me. I pray to God that the people of Telugu states recover from this disaster soon.”
“As my contribution, I am announcing a donation of 50 lakhs each to the Chief Minister’s Relief Fund of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana to assist the efforts of the state governments in addressing the flood crisis.”
Soon after Jr. NTR announced his support, another actor from Tollywood, Mass Ka Daas Vishwak Sen, extended his support and announced a generous donation of Rs. 5 lakh to the Telangana state CM Relief Fund.
He wrote, “In these devastating times of calamity, I am pledging a donation of Rs. 5 lakhs to the Telangana CM Relief Fund to support the flood relief efforts in the state. This contribution is a small step towards alleviating the suffering of those affected by the floods.”
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