The upcoming big thing of superstar Rajinikanth, Coolie, directed by visionary Lokesh Kanagaraj, has generated quite a frenzy among movie-goers. Since this is to be the maiden outing of a legend actor with that of a most acclaimed filmmaker, the expectations seem to have risen sky-high amongst the fans concerning what promises to be a full-blown film extravaganza.
In a recent development that has already sent the cinema halls into applause, Rajinikanth mentioned that 70% of this film’s shooting is complete. The next segment of shooting for the film would be between January 13 and 25, 2025, and the producers are working extra hard to deliver the project by then. Though speculators have already decided on May 1, 2025, to be the D-Day, as of now there is no such confirmation from the production house either.
Adding to this is the powerhouse cast of the movie. Coolie has a great list of actors set in it, including Akkineni Nagarjuna, Aamir Khan, Shruti Haasan, Reba Monica John, Sathyaraj, and Soubin Shahir, along with others. This ensemble promises to deliver a spellbinding cinematic experience with performances that will leave a long-lasting impression.
Made under the house of prestige banner Sun Pictures, Coolie comes with an invigorating, chart-buster soundtrack composed by Anirudh Ravichander. This also brings in together the screen-presence magnet that is Rajinikanth along with the thrilling narrative style offered by Lokesh Kanagaraj, who makes Indian cinema scale new heights.
As the excitement over Coolie is mounting, the audience is waiting with bated breath for the next update on the release date and promotional events of the film.
Stay updated on the latest developments on this much-awaited film as Coolie gears up to create history at the box office!
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