Mahesh Babu and Namrata Shirodkar’s son, Gautam Ghattamaneni, has maintained a low profile despite his filmy background. On August 31, 2024, Gautam celebrated his birthday, and his mother shared a heartwarming birthday tribute.
Namrata Shirodkar took to Instagram Stories to share a special photo featuring Mahesh Babu with their children, Gautam and Sitara. The snapshot, likely taken at an airport, shows the family together with Gautam and Sitara posing alongside their father, who looked effortlessly stylish. Alongside the photo, Namrata posted a sweet birthday message: “Happy birthday, kid,” adorned with a festive Happy Birthday sticker.
Additionally, Namrata extended her birthday wishes on her Instagram grid with a heartfelt message for Gautam. Her note read: “To new beginnings! Happy birthday, son. It’s a big one for you and for us as proud parents! Shine bright, be happy, and stay blessed always. Love you kiiiid @gautamghattamaneni.”
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