Bollywood actress Malaika Arora faced a tragic loss as her father Anil Kuldip Mehta passed away on Wednesday, September 11. It is reported that he fell from the 6th floor of his Bandra residence in Mumbai. The incident happened at 9 am while Malaika was in Pune for an event.
After the devastating news, the actress returned to Mumbai to her mother’s residence. Soon after the news hit headlines, numerous Bollywood celebrities, including Kareena Kapoor, Saif Ali Khan, Salman Khan, Arjun Kapoor, Ananya Pandey, Kajol, Genelia, and Ritesh Deshmukh, along with her ex-husband Arbaaz Khan and his family, extended their condolences to Malaika and her grieving family.
In response to her father’s passing, Malaika shared an emotional post on Instagram, expressing her family’s deep grief that they are all in deep shock by his loss and requesting privacy from the media and well-wishers.
In her statement, she wrote, “We are deeply saddened to announce the passing of our dear father, Anil Mehta. He was a gentle soul, a devoted grandfather, a loving husband, and our best friend. Our family is in deep shock by this loss and we kindly request privacy from the media and well-wishers during this difficult time. We appreciate your understanding, support and respect. With gratitude, Joyce, Malaika, Amrita, Shakeel, Arhaan, Azaan, Rayyan, Casper, AXL, Duffy, and Buddy.”
According to the latest information, Anil Mehta reportedly called both of his daughters before jumping from his balcony, telling them, “I’m tired” during the call.
The post Malaika Arora’s First Statement Following Her Father’s Demise first appeared on