The ongoing rift within the Manchu family has once again taken center stage, with Manchu Vishnu and Manoj making headlines after a social media exchange. The latest controversy erupted when Manoj tweeted, “Every dog wants to be a lion in Bhakta Kannappa,” which immediately caught the attention of netizens. This tweet is believed to be a response to Vishnu’s earlier post, fueling further debate.
On Friday afternoon, Vishnu shared an audio clip from the movie Rowdy, in which he starred alongside his father, Mohan Babu. The clip featured a striking dialogue: “Every dog wants to be a lion, but there’s a difference between barking in the streets and roaring in the forest. You’ll understand that, at least in your next life.” The post quickly went viral, further intensifying the family drama.
In a swift response, Manoj took to Twitter again, posting posters from iconic films like Thandrapaparayudu, Bhakta Kannappa, and Bobilli Brahmanna, starring Krishna Rajulu. He wrote, #Kannapa lo #RebelStar Krishnam raju garu laga, Simham avalli ani prathi fraud kukkaki vuntudhi,e vishyam nuvu idhe janamlo telusukuntav. adding fuel to the already tense situation. Manoj also included the hashtag #VisMith, hinting that his Hollywood project might be a subtle clue connected to the ongoing feud.
Moreover, Manoj shared a video featuring a dialogue from one of Mohan Babu’s films, which seemed to further highlight the ongoing tensions within the Manchu family. This latest social media exchange continues to keep fans and followers on edge, awaiting the next move in this high-profile family drama.
#Kannapa lo #RebelStar Krishnam raju garu laga, Simham avalli ani prathi fraud kukkaki vuntudhi,e vishyam nuvu idhe janamlo telusukuntav. #VisMith (crack this guys)
Clue (his Hollywood venture)
— Manoj Manchu (@HeroManoj1) January 17, 2025
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