Tollywood superstar Mahesh Babu’s nephew, Ashok Galla, made a notable entry into the industry with his debut film, Hero, which released in 2022. The promising actor has now signed on for his next major project, set to be produced by Sithara Entertainments and Fortune 4 Cinemas. This marks the 27th project for Sithara Entertainments. The untitled film also features young actors Rahul Vijay, Shivathmika Rajasekhar, and Sri Gouri Priya, known for her work in MAD. The formal launch ceremony took place this morning, with Mahesh Babu’s wife, Namrata Shirodkar Ghattamaneni, as the chief guest, who inaugurated the shoot by sounding the first clap. Mahesh’s sisters, Padma Galla and Manjula Swaroop, presented the script to the team.
Described as a romantic comedy-drama, the film will be directed by Udbhav and set in the USA. Regular shooting is scheduled to begin at the end of September. The movie will be jointly produced by Suryadevara Naga Vamsi and Sai Soujanya.
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