Rajinikanth is set to reunite with director Nelson Dilipkumar for Jailer 2, the sequel to their 2023 blockbuster. Nelson recently revealed at the Ananda Vikatan Cinema Awards that the script is finalized and pre-production activities have started. Sun Pictures is expected to officially announce the film within a month.
Jailer, where Rajinikanth portrayed the role of ‘Tiger’ Muthuvel Pandian IPS, a retired jailer, achieved monumental success, ranking among Tamil cinema’s greatest blockbusters. The movie featured an impressive lineup of stars, including Mohanlal, Shiva Rajkumar, Jackie Shroff, and Tamannaah Bhatia, with memorable music composed by Anirudh Ravichander. The entire team is anticipated to reunite for Jailer 2, with filming expected to commence by the end of 2024.
Fans are eagerly awaiting the official announcement from Sun Pictures for Jailer 2, with hopes for a spectacular launch event. In the meantime, Jailer is streaming on Sun NXT, offering viewers the opportunity to revisit the blockbuster ahead of the sequel. As Jailer 2 approaches, Rajinikanth and Nelson Dilipkumar are expected to craft yet another cinematic masterpiece.
The post Nelson Confirms Blockbuster Sequel: Rajinikanth Returns in Jailer 2 first appeared on Andhrawatch.com.