The magic unfolded this evening on Kundapura beach, where Tollywood sensation NTR and the genius behind Kannada cinema, Prashanth Neel, shared a blissful moment with their stunning wives, Lakshmi Pranathi and Likitha Reddy. The radiant photo, now buzzing across social media, was posted by Likitha on Instagram, instantly captivating fans everywhere.
Earlier today, NTR, accompanied by his mother Shalini and wife Lakshmi Pranathi, made a heartfelt visit to Udupi Sri Krishna Matha in Kundapura, fulfilling his mother’s dream of a temple darshan. NTR took to X to share his joy, describing the visit as a special moment for him and his family. The trip also featured star-studded encounters with Kannada powerhouse Rishab Shetty and the dynamic KGF duo, Prashanth Neel and Vijay Kiragandur.
But the excitement doesn’t stop there! NTR and Prashanth Neel are gearing up to join forces for a blockbuster action drama that promises to be a thrilling ride. This eagerly awaited film, still under wraps with an untitled status, is set to start rolling soon and is slated to hit theaters on January 9, 2026. Produced by Mythri Movie Makers and NTR Arts, it’s shaping up to be a must-watch spectacle!
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