Telugu actor Satya Dev’s crime drama, Zebra, is about to make an OTT release on Aha for all its fans. Zebra, which was released on 22nd November 2024 for a theatrical release, will be there for the viewers from 20th December 2024 onward. The Aha Gold subscribers can start viewing a few hours early on 19th December 2024, making this a well-timed holiday treat for fans of the crime and thriller genre.
Directed by Eashvar Karthic, Zebra met mixed reviews through the cinematic release. A section of the critics liked the good acting, hauntingly nice music, and thrillingly chiseled action pieces but were sorely critical about the entire movie, from its beginning to end. The second coming through its digital release has now ushered the much-hyped Zebra into broader reaches of popular consumption and restored talk for it.
The film has a big ensemble cast with Daali Dhananjaya delivering outstanding performances alongside seasoned actors, including Sathyaraj, Priya Bhavani Shankar, Sunil, Sathya Akala, Jeniffer Piccinato, and Amrutha Iyengar. Each contributes to unique depth in their roles, allowing for an intricate and emotional storyline that keeps viewers captive.
Adding to the film’s intensity is the powerful score by renowned composer Ravi Basrur, whose music perfectly amplifies the suspense and drama in the plot. Produced by SN Bala Sundaram, SN Reddy, and Dinesh Sundaram, Zebra impresses with its high production values and visually stunning execution, ensuring a premium cinematic experience.
Blending elements of crime, drama, and action, Zebra delivers a bold and captivating narrative that stands out in Telugu cinema. Its OTT premiere on Aha not only offers convenience for viewers but also opens the door for fresh discussions and appreciation, solidifying its position as one of 2024’s most intriguing films.
Mark your calendars for December 20 (or December 19 for Gold members) to experience this thrilling ride from the comfort of your home. If you love edge-of-the-seat dramas, Zebra is one film you don’t want to miss.
When cunning meets chaos, the stakes get deadly.
Watch #Zebra premieres 20th Dec only on aha!
*48 hrs early access for aha gold users#Zebra #ZebraOnAha@ActorSatyaDev @Dhananjayaka @priya_Bshankar @suneeltollywood @JeniPiccinato @amrutha_iyengar
— ahavideoin (@ahavideoIN) December 14, 2024
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