The police’s unexpected visit to Allu Arjun’s house on Friday is creating a stir in the wake of the quash petition filed by him before the High Court. Though the police have a chance to call him for questioning to the Police Station, before arrest. But almost surrounding his house with a large number of police force, entering his bedroom has been giving suspicion of some plot behind the entire incident.
Generally, there is an opinion that even if the police call him or take him into custody on Friday, the remand is certain. In cases with non-bailable sections, those facing charges are shocked on Friday. If the court issues a remand order on Friday, they will have to stay in jail for at least three days. They will not be allowed to come out unless they get bail in court again on Monday.
Various discussions are going on regarding the developments taking place as Allu Arjun is enjoying the success of Pushpa 2. Hyderabad CP CV Anand announced that Allu Arjun was arrested in the stampede incident that took place during the premiere show of the movie Pushpa. Allu Arjun, who was taken into custody at his Jubilee Hills residence, was first taken to Chikkadpally PS by the police.
Later, both Allu Arjun and the theater management in their quash petitions filed in the High Court are strongly refuting Police claims that they were not informed about Allu Arjun’s arrival to the theater. They are asserting that they had informed the police that actor Allu Arjun was coming to the theater during the Pushpa 2 premiere show.
However, the police seem to be negligent by not making any arrangements to accommodate the crowd. So as to cover up their failure, the police have registered a case mentioning Allu Arjun as A1, for the incident. A case has been registered against 8 partners of the theater, as well as the manager and other staff.
In his petition Allu Arjun refuted the deceased’s husband’s claim the stampede took place because he went to the theater. He said that none of the charges registered by the police in the FIR apply to him. He made it clear that he had informed the theater management, local ACP and other police officers before going to the theater in the evening. He said that he had been informed in advance for safety reasons. He asserted that there was no negligence on his part in this.
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