Young and promising director Rahul Sankrityan is all set to start working on his next big project with Vijay Deverakonda, which would be his second collaboration under the banner of Mythri Movie Makers. Tentatively titled VD 14, this film is making much buzz among the fans. Rashmika Mandanna is reportedly in talks to play the female lead. The plot details are yet to be revealed, but the film promises something fresh and exciting.
Rahul Sankrityan took to his X account today, announcing that set work for VD 14 has officially started. He posted pictures showcasing the milestone, which includes the laying of the first brick of the film’s set on Republic Day. In his post, Rahul showed excitement for the film, saying, “I am sure that this film is going to be one of the most powerful films ever told on the unspoken history of India during the colonial era.” This hint about the thematic direction that the film is going to take has left fans curious and interested in knowing more about the narrative.
The interest has risen due to director confidence in the film and its subject matter focused on India’s colonial history. All Rahul’s previous films have been good, and it is expected to be so in VD 14 as well, with the lead Vijay Deverakonda, who always plays intense characters. Also, music to the film is composed by the ace duo Ajay-Atul, which is known for its powerful score elevating the mood and tone of the film.
More information about the cast and crew shall be out soon, and so expectations for VD 14 are growing day by day. The project is turning out to be one of the most eagerly-awaited films in the Telugu industry, and the fans are all eager to see what Rahul Sankrityan and his team have worked on. Such an auspicious start will be one such cinematic experience well worth the wait for VD 14.
#VD14 update: Set work started today with an auspicious pooja. A great tale on colonial history laid its first brick on our 76th Republic day. Am sure this film is going to be one of the most powerful films ever made on the Colonial history(unspoken) of India. @TheDeverakonda…
— Rahul Sankrityan (@Rahul_Sankrityn) January 26, 2025
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