Global star Ram Charan has teamed up with Uppena director Buchi Babu Sana for an upcoming film, tentatively titled RC 16. The movie’s shoot has already commenced, with the next schedule set to take place in Hyderabad starting tomorrow. This schedule will feature pivotal scenes involving the lead cast, including Ram Charan, filmed during nighttime.
Reports suggest that a special set has been created for these sequences, and the film is said to have an emotionally driven storyline tied to a game, set against a North Andhra backdrop. The title Peddi is also reportedly under consideration for the project.
Bollywood actress Janhvi Kapoor stars alongside Ram Charan as the female lead, while Kannada actor Shivrajkumar, Jagapathi Babu, and Divyendu play significant supporting roles. The film is being produced by Satish Kilaru in collaboration with Maitri Movie Makers and Sukumar Writings, with music composed by the legendary AR Rahman.
Ram Charan’s recent film, Game Changer, released during Sankranti, received mixed reviews, but his performance was widely praised by audiences.
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