The Hanuman film by Teja Sajja, directed by Prashanth Varma, became a sensational hit and swept audiences off their feet, turning it into a blockbuster. He is now preparing to expand the saga with the sequel titled Jai Hanuman. As a wonderful surprise for Diwali, he announced that Kannada star Rishab Shetty, who was celebrated for his outstanding performance in Kantara, will play the iconic role of Hanuman. The first look poster with Rishab has already gone viral, and he could easily be seen as the favourite character.
Recently, filmmaker Prashanth Varma released a cozy shot with himself, Rishab Shetty, and Rana Daggubati. All three were found to be grinning hugely from a couch. Captioned “Jai Jai Hanuman,” this poster became viral in a few minutes and soon everybody began speculating and creating huge excitement.
With Rishab Shetty, the movie already has a potential to sky-rocket. Fans of the movie are buzzing due to the possible inclusion of Rana Daggubati. Rana will surely take the film even higher, but his character details are still under cover.
Many fans are hypothesizing that he can play the role of Lord Rama since Hanuman’s journey is based on delivering a significant promise. That is an interesting possibility added to the excitement building about the film, and there is much eagerness in the audience for more updates on it.
JAI JAI HANUMAN !! @shetty_rishab @RanaDaggubati @ThePVCU
— Prasanth Varma (@PrasanthVarma) November 4, 2024
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