The much-awaited film Game Changer, directed by Shankar and produced by Dil Raju, stars Ram Charan and Kiara Advani. The film is currently in post-production and filming stages, with a release scheduled for January 10, during Sankranti. The movie is being shot at a fast pace with two units working simultaneously, and actor SJ Suryah will be playing the antagonist.
On Thursday, SJ Suryah shared his thoughts on Game Changer through his Twitter account after completing his dubbing for the film.
He tweeted, “For the two scenes I did with Ram Charan and Srikanth, I dedicated three full days for dubbing. Now, seeing the output, it’s mind-blowing. These scenes will get crazy applause in the theater. People will go crazy in the theater. I thank director Shankar and Dil Raju for giving me the opportunity to act in such a great film. For Dil Raju sir, this Sankranti will be a massive hit.”
Mega fans are celebrating this post, with many expressing increased confidence in the success of Game Changer following SJ Suryah’s tweet. The Game Changer team, who recently launched the teaser in Lucknow, is expected to ramp up promotional activities soon, with further updates expected shortly.
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