Sundeep Kishan was last seen in the Tamil film “Raayan,” and was led and directed by Dhanush. As for his Telugu endeavors, Sundeep is presently busy shooting for his upcoming film, “SK 30,” helmed by Trinadha Rao Nakkina, recognized for “Dhamaka.”
The film is back in focus as the creators prepare to launch the first-look poster tomorrow at 10:04 AM. A pre-look poster showcasing the lead has already been unveiled, featuring a lively and colorful design.
With Rao Ramesh taking on an important role, the filming of the movie is in progress. Nevertheless, the producers have yet to confirm the rest of the cast, including the female lead.
The movie is being produced by Hasya Movies and AK Entertainments. Razesh Danda is at the helm as the producer, with Balaji Gutta acting as the co-producer.
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