The highly anticipated film Devara, starring Young Tiger NTR and directed by Koratala Siva, is set to release on the 27th of this month. The Telangana government has given its approval for an increase in ticket prices, facilitating the film’s ticket sales.
Additionally, the government has allowed a midnight show at 1 AM on the 26th, with permissions granted for 29 theaters across the state. For this midnight screening, ticket prices can be raised by up to ₹100.
The authorities have also approved shows starting from 4 AM on the first day of the film’s release and have permitted a ₹100 hike in ticket prices on that day. From the 28th of this month until October 6th, ticket prices can be increased, allowing for an additional ₹25 in single-screen theaters and ₹50 in multiplexes.
The Andhra Pradesh government has already permitted special shows and increased ticket prices for Devara, and now the Telangana government is following suit with similar approvals for special screenings and price hikes.
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