Siddu Jonnalagadda’s next film, Telusu Kada, has wrapped up its initial schedule in Hyderabad, marking a major step forward in its production. The film is helmed by Neeraja Kona, a well-known stylist making her directorial debut, and is being produced by TG Vishwa Prasad under the People Media Factory banner. With half of the shoot completed, the team is now gearing up for the next phase of production.
The first schedule of Telusu Kada, which spanned a month, involved the filming of key scenes with Siddu Jonnalagadda, Raashi Khanna, Srinidhi Shetty, and Viva Harsha. During this time, the movie’s first song, featuring Siddu and Raashi Khanna, was also shot. Behind-the-scenes stills from the sets suggest a positive and enjoyable atmosphere, reflecting the upbeat mood among the cast and crew.
The ensemble cast of Telusu Kada includes Siddu Jonnalagadda, Raashi Khanna, Srinidhi Shetty, and Viva Harsha, with Thaman S composing the music. The film is set to be a sleek and entertaining venture, showcasing Siddu Jonnalagadda in a dynamic and stylish new look. Anticipation is building as the team gears up for the next phase of shooting.
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