Harsha Sai is a famous social media star who hogged the limelight after his philanthropic activities went viral through YouTube. His videos garnered millions of views and boosted his income quite drastically, making him a sensation on social media. He is often called the ‘Mr Beast of India’. He also decided to make a debut on the silver screen with a film titled ‘ Mega ‘. Now, a case is booked on Harsha Sai over an alleged rape and sexual exploitation.
Going into the details, Narsingi police on Tuesday registered a case against Harsha Sai for alleged rape and for allegedly taking nude pictures and videos and blackmailing an actress for money following a complaint filed by a 25 year old from Mumbai. She had reportedly appeared in a reality show on television and played a female lead along with Harsha Sai in ‘Mega’. The woman is sent for medical examination and further investigation is under way, said Narsingi police. Harsha Sai is yet to be arrested.
According to police, the actress and Harsha Sai first met at a private party organised by common friends and got acquainted with each other. Gradually, they fell in love and Sai promised to marry her. Under this pretext, he allegedly raped her. He also allegedly clicked her nudes and started blackmailing her. The girl further alleged that they were producing a movie and Harsha Sai even took Rs. 2 crore from her for this purpose . She also accused his father over these charges. Investigations are underway to address the allegations and gather further details regarding the incident.
The post YouTube Sensation Harsha Sai Booked on Rape charges first appeared on Andhrawatch.com.