The Bollywood diva Jhanvi Kapoor is making her dream debut with the global star NTR’s Devara which is gearing up for the grand release on September 27, 2024.
Touted to be an action-adventurous film, Devara has humongous expectations among the fans and the audience. With four days to go before the release, the advance bookings are about to kickstart in the Telugu-speaking states. This film’s cinematographer Ratnavel has revealed some interesting updates regarding the female lead in this film.
Jhanvi Kapoor will be seen in the second half rather than the first half. Ratnavel also stated that Jhanvi’s role will impress the masses big time and has nailed the role with her impeccable performance. Ratnavel also added that the audience is once again going to witness Sri Devi on the silver screen.
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