“C/O Godavari” is the film presented by Usha Movies and jointly produced by R Film Factory and Productions & Bommana Productions. Rohit S son of the renowned industrialist Ravindar Sirigiri is debuting Tollywood as the hero through the film “C/O Godavari.” Toomu Ramarao (Babai), Bommana Subbarayudu and Rajesh Rambala are producing the film. “C/O Godavari” is a feel good and fresh love story in the backdrop of Godavari. Before giving the audience with a feel of having the real flavor of Andhra full meals, the unit as a good starter are releasing a promotional video song for the film. The Hero Rohit S showcasing his great dancing talent for this peppy hip-hop song titled “Pump up the music” is the specialty fo this promotional video song.
This song penned by Giri Koduri is rendered by the latest sensation in the Indian singing, Mr Hriday Gattani who has earlier made the famous songs such as “Premam Swaramulu” from the blockbuster film “24” and also the latest song “Udanchu” trending in the charts from the movie the Bollywood film “Banjo”. This song arranged, mastered and mixed at Unlimited Studios, Music Needs You located at Banjara Hills Road number 2 has released its audio yesterday, 1st November in the traditional 92.7 BIG FM. The video being issued today can be viewed on the YouTube in the channel “C/O Godavari.” This promotional song is already bagging Olympic craze and popularity. We, the team of C/O Godavari wish all the songs from the film composed by Raghu Kunche and the film as well too would be greatly applauded by media friends and the audiences.
Promotional song for C/O Godavari details:
Title: Pump up the Music | C/O Godavari Telugu Movie Promotion song| Rohit S | Hriday Ghatani
Youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Exlxjd__rs0
Ranjith S has directed this promotional video song cinematographed by Nani, edited by Sashank and choreographed by Nixon master. We, the team of “C/O Godavari” thank all the media friends for the support and request all the audiences to encourage and bless the hero Rohit S and the team of “C/O Godavari” and present with great success….
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